
(a) Development is sustainable and encompasses the social, spiritual, cultural and economic well-being of the people.

(b) Never undertake an activity unless it is initiated and supported by the community and its leaders.

(c) The ultimate test of development policies is their long-term effect on the lives of the vulnerable and marginalised members of the community, especially women and children.

(d) Sustainable development involves the use of all resources for the benefit of future as well as present generations.

(e) Issues of human rights, gender, environment and equality must be paramount in the undertaking of any development activity.

(f) The Treaty of Waitangi is fundamental to development in Aotearoa/New Zealand and to our perspective of development issues internationally

(g) Development education in Aotearoa/New Zealand is an integral part of all development activities.

(h) In all promotional activities members should ensure that the dignity and privacy of our partners is recognised and respected.

(i) All promotional, educational and fundraising activities should be consistent with the above principles.

Members of NZCHET commit themselves to:

a) Treat all stakeholders with respect, honesty, dignity and courtesy at all times.

b) Recognise the bi-cultural basis of Aotearoa/New Zealand society and be committed to fostering the spirit and upholding the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.

c) Accurately represent its purpose and practice and cost structures to all stakeholders.

d) Use factual and accurate information in public publications, media releases or other representations.

e) Follow ethical fund raising practices that are respectful of the recipients and do not use exploitative or misleading images.

f) Act with integrity at all times.

g) Oppose and not knowingly be a party to any corruption, oppression or exploitation of the local recipient community.

h ) Uphold the principles of the Code of ethics at all times.

Governance Structure

  • The Trustees are responsible for governance and direction of the organization and provide an independent review and ratification of the actions of the organization.
  • The Executive Committee co-ordinates the aims and executes the actions of the organization, in conjunction with the partner organizations.
  • The Executives of New Zealand Children’s Health & Education Trust meet every year in Vanuatu. It is then meetings are held with the local villagers and under their guidance and initiation proposals are developed for the following year and beyond.
  • The Trustees then meet regularly or as required with each of the partners involved, to discuss whether the proposals meet with the overarching objectives, i.e. initiated by the community, involve collective activity, develop leadership and ownership of the programme by the initiators, empower the people and ultimately lead to the benefit and advancement of the community.
  • The Executive of New Zealand Children’s Health & Education Trust will maintain a policy of transparency when filing and publishing financial statements.
  • Any and all conflicts of interest must be settled adhering strictly to New Zealand Children’s Health & Education Trusts Code of Ethics, Principles and Philosophies.


NZCHET is a non-profit organization.

  • All proceeds will be returned to the partner organization for the benefit of the whole community

NZCHET will pay only the expenses of their workers and volunteers.

  • Travel, food and accommodation constitute expenses

NZCHET will not establish activities that are not initiated and supported by the people whose lives they affect.

  • No activity will be pursued unless initiated by the community and then once the design is establish it must be signed off by the Council of Chiefs.

NZCHET activities do not support private enterprise but instead sustainable community activities and enterprises that eleviate poverty, support education and health and lead to self-determination and self-reliance.

  • No funds or monies will be given directly to individuals but instead all money must be issued as part of an activity that financially benefits the whole community.

NZCHET does not tolerate nepotism with regard to allocation of positions or resources.

  • No proposed position will be allocated simply because of family contacts but instead it will be granted on merit.

NZCHET will not tolerate gender, religion or race discrimination.

  • No position will be allocated according to gender race or religion but instead all positions will be granted on merit.

NZCHET will protect the human rights of all people, ensuring a standard of acceptable behavior be maintained at all times and by all trustees and volunteers working under its banner.

  • NZCHET will inform its trustees and volunteers as to acceptable behavior and deviation from this will not be tolerated

NZCHET will inform all trustees and volunteers on cultural and social practices pertaining to the people they are working with to avoid misunderstanding and maintain respect.

  • Respect of the local culture and social practices will be gathered by NZCHET and passed on to all trustees and volunteers. It will be expected that these practice be respected and maintained at all times

NZCHET will not undertake any activity without considering the environmental impact and where possible avoid the use of fossil fuels.

  • Wherever NZCHET is working, a full knowledge will be gained of possible environmental risks associated with the activity and all possible steps will be taken to protect the environment.

NZCHET will at all times protect and assist the weak or infirmed.

  • NZCHET’s first responsibility will be to protect the members of the community that are unable to protect themselves, putting nothing else before this.

NZCHET will protect and respect the privacy of all community members and be mindful of media exposure and advertising.

  • NZCHET will never use its position to gain media coverage whereby exposing private or sensitive personal community customs or affairs.